Friday, September 12, 2008

Back to School

The kids went back to school almost 4 weeks ago, but I am cutting myself some slack for being so late posting this because I'm pregnant. My brain is functioning very s-l-o-w-l-y right now.

The girls like to lay their clothes out the night before a big day. You can't see in the picture, but they even have socks tucked into the bottom of the pants. Crazy kids. I thought it was also pretty funny how they made the shirts holding hands.

Here are all the kids before we headed out the door. Laurel was so excited that she couldn't pull off a normal smile. All of the kids have been really excited about walking themselves to school this year, and I'm not complaining either.

Megan actually started a week after Laurel and Ben because the kindergarten teachers like to interview all of their incoming students the first week. Jacob was really mad that he didn't start school this year, but we started going to story time at the library again, so he has forgiven me.

He also sneaked (snuck?) the camera off of the counter and took lots of pictures of his feet with toys. This one was actually in focus.