OK, a lot of time has passed since I last posted anything, but I couldn't let this go by without sharing it with you all. Back in December, Greg really wanted to have a party for our 10th anniversary. But Maggie was still pretty little, and life is always hectic around the holidays, so he decided to put off the party for a little while. Since my birthday is in February and Greg always feels a little blue during the winter, he decided it would be the perfect time the throw a 10th Anniversary/Bekah's Birthday/Get Rid of the Winter Blues Party. He had everything almost completely planned in his mind before we ever talked about it, and I just helped him execute his vision.
Greg really loves a good party, so we ended up with about 60 people, a DJ, a game room with projection TVs and Wii game systems, tons of food, and even a chocolate fountain. I don't think we've had anything even close to it since our actual wedding receptions 10 years ago. And then he surprised me with a video that his cousin helped him put together, which made most of the other men there tell him to "stop making them look bad in front of their wives". I tried to upload the video, but the size limit was 100 MB, and it turned out to be 103 MB. If I figure out how to shorten it or split it in two sections, I'll post it eventually. But it's about time one of us posted something!