Friday, May 14, 2010

On second thought, let's just call each other and email pictures when we have them. This blog will still be here for those of you who would like to post to it.
Love to all of you,

Monday, May 10, 2010


I am thinking about going back to the paper newsletter that we used to have. This blog is kind of dead. (But thanks to Mom and Linda for trying to revive it a bit).

Here's why I think a paper newsletter is a better format for our family to keep in touch:
-Gan can stay involved, since she has no computer
-deadlines were a good thing to keep updates coming from everyone
-my impression is that (almost) everyone in our family prefers to read from a tangible piece of paper rather than a monitor

One thing that we need to change is the frequency of the newsletter. I can't keep up with once a month anymore. I propose a quarterly or biannual (or triannual, what's the word for every four months?) newsletter. If you'd all like to take turns pestering each other for family updates, that would be just fine with me, too.
Let me know what you think about this change as well as other changes you would like to see.
Thanks and I love you guys,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

About girl dogs and casting aspersions

Just a comment about Linda's story: Dad sometimes sings with an Irish accent, too.

When Rebekah was about 3 years old, she and Dad went for a walk around the block. When they returned home, Bekah said, "I saw a girl dog." I asked, "How do you know it was a girl?" She answered, "Because it had long hair!"

When Matt was only about 5, he ran upstairs to tell Dad that Linda had gotten into the fireplace to play. Dad asked, "Matthew, are you casting aspersions?" Matthew answered, "No, Dad. I didn't cast her in there; she got in herself!"

Today Bethany (just turned 3 last week) was running around the house singing over and over again, "I'm not a dog; I'm not a squirrel; I'm a girl."

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Little Family History

I just spoke to Gan this afternoon. She told me a story which I recall hearing before, but did not remember well enough to recount on my own. It's a fun story and I want to record it, and I thought the family blog might be a great place for it.

When Dad was young, he was called by his middle name, Waddy, after his uncle, instead of by his first name, Tom. When he was in second grade he came home from school after their Valentine's Day celebration and announced that he did not want to be called Waddy anymore. When asked why, he poured out his bag of Valentine's from his classmates and said, "Look!" There on the cards were written, "Wooley, Whitey, Wally, Wendy..." you name it. All sorts of names that started with 'W' but not one that said 'Waddy.' And ever since he has been 'Tom' instead.

Also amusing was that having an Irish teacher with a thick accent, he read with an Irish accent himself during the second grade.

If you have family history stories you can share, I'd love to see them posted here. I know we have lots of great stories, but whenever my children ask for one, I draw a blank. Please share your stories for all of us to enjoy!