Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So, over the last couple of months I have been hit with a major case of nesting. I think that this is the first time I have really felt this instinct because this is the first time I have not had to move 4-8 weeks after giving birth. Since I haven't had to pack, I have had to find other ways to keep myself busy.
I started out by working on the outside of the house--we repainted the exterior and got grates installed over our basement window wells.
Then I got the new nursery furniture set up and the baby's room decorated. The kids helped me get out the new car seat and stroller and have spent the last several days putting dolls in the car seat and crib and calling them "Baby Maggie."
I finished making a special blanket for the baby (not that she will need it much in the middle of August) and working on some baby gifts for James and PJ's and Karen and Jared's new arrivals. No pictures, though--I don't want to ruin the surprise!
I washed and organized all the baby clothes and put them away. And before Mom came, I made sure that I got a chance to paint the office and get it organized so she would have somewhere to stay.
There are still a few items on my "to do" list, but they will have to wait, since my induction is supposed to begin at 7 am tomorrow. Somehow, balancing my checkbook never quite made it to the top of the list. But it will still be there when I get home. And so will the newest member of our family! I will be sure to post some pictures of Maggie soon.


Karen said...

Bekah, you can come nest at my house if you want. And congratulations on Maggie's birth this morning. I'm looking forward to pictures.

Vanessa said...

wait but this looks like a new house, or I am just forgetting what your house looked like already!

Karen said...

This is my sister's house. I share a blog with my family, so we all post to it. Sorry, I guess that is a little confusing.