Sunday, June 1, 2008

Preschool Graduation

Megan graduated from preschool on Thursday. She was in a really small class (5 kids), so it was a nice, short program.

Each of the kids chose their favorite preschool song to sing.

I'm still amazed that she will be in Kindergarten in the fall, but I'm getting more used to the idea. She is excited that there will be girls in her class. She was the only one in preschool.

That diploma is good for so many things.


moranews said...

That's cute. it's the big school! You will probably get a little misty-eyed when she goes to kindergarten, but it may be a break for you...esp. with the new baby coming!

Taylor Swim said...

Congratulations! I love when they are ready for kindergarten. It's such a great growing (and maturing) time for them. I cry everytime-- but it's worth it.

pame said...

Way to go, Meghan! If preschool was fun, you'll love kindergarten. You have a birthday coming up soon, too. Boy, time flies!